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Do you like apples?案例与随笔

01-04 http://www.pxzj8.com 英语教学随笔 人气:366

Do you like apples?案例与随笔为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语教学随笔,本站还有更多关于教学随笔,英语教学随笔范文,英语学习 - 英语教学 - 英语教学随笔的文章。 正文:

1)Make the students interested in the new lesson.
T:How to eat the apple?Who can act?Please put up your hands.
S:(Do the action)
T:Good job!Do you like apples?
S:(Have understanded.)Yes!
T:(To all students.)Yes, I do.
T:No,I don’t.
2)Blackboard writing:Do you like apples? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.
3)Make the students pay attention to “apples”.
1)T:Do you like apples?
S:Yes,I do.(Some students say “No”)
T:(To the students who say “No”)What do you like ?
2)Blackboard writing(Draw some fruits: pear,mango,orange,banana)
S1:Do you like pear?(Some students don’t agree)
S2:Do you like pears?必须用“pears”
T:Well done!Read after her.
S:Do you like mangoes / oranges / bananas?
5.Free practice

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Tag: 暂无联系方式英语教学随笔,教学随笔,英语教学随笔范文,英语学习 - 英语教学 - 英语教学随笔

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