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趣味英语绕口令 让我们飞吧

01-04 http://www.pxzj8.com 英语教学随笔 人气:458

趣味英语绕口令 让我们飞吧为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语教学随笔,本站还有更多关于教学随笔,英语教学随笔范文,英语学习 - 英语教学 - 英语教学随笔的文章。 正文: Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.


A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.


A bloke's back bike brake block broke.


A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter bittern back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said:"I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"


A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:“吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?” 如果觉得《趣味英语绕口令 让我们飞吧》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tag: 趣味英语  绕口令  英语教学随笔,教学随笔,英语教学随笔范文,英语学习 - 英语教学 - 英语教学随笔

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