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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 英语翻译 人气:848

英语翻译之可种水稻的文胸为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语翻译,本站还有更多关于英语翻译,中英文对照,中英文对照文章,中英文对照小说,外语培训 外语学习 - 基础英语学习 - 英语翻译的文章。 正文:

  Female urban farmers keen to keep their agricultural hobby close to their heart can now grow their own rice in a special bra designed by Japanese lingerie maker Triumph.

  近日,日本黛安芬内衣公司推出一款“可种植水稻的内衣”。喜欢耕种并且对乡村生活情有独钟却生活在城市里的女士们有了新的选择。Triumph, makers of other eccentric, gimmick bras that include one with a sushi set and another that comes with solar panels, said it came up with the “rice bra” because of the growing popularity of farming among city dwellers in Japan.


  Growing concerns over food safety and the environment, and the ideal of a laid-back rural lifestyle, are attracting more urbanites to agriculture, once the mainstay of Japan's economy. Rice is also the nation's staple food.


  “Over the last year, young Japanese women have taken a tremendous interest in agriculture. We wanted other women to experience farming as well,” Triumph spokeswoman Yoshiko Masuda told Reuters.

  公司发言人Yoshiko Masuda在接受路透社采访时说:“过去一年里,日本的年轻女性对农业表现出了极大热情,我们希望其它女士们也能有类似经历。”

  “Home kits that allow people to grow their own rice are very popular online. We thought that it would be fun if a bra could give people the same experience,” said Masuda.


  The bra, made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots that also double as the cups.


  These are then filled with soil, and rice seedlings, that are watered through a hose that also doubles as a belt that goes around the wearer's waist.The bra also comes with gardening gloves.

  然后便可以在花盆中放入泥土,插上稻秧,并可通过文胸佩戴者的腰带---- 一根软管来浇水。此外,这款文胸还配有一副园艺手套。

  “The bra fits much better than it looks. Wearing it puts me in such a fun mood,” said model Reiko Aoyama in the lingerie.

  公司的内衣模特Reiko Aoyama 说:“这款内衣穿起来要比看上去合身多了,穿着它让我心情特别舒畅。”

  Like other Triumph concept bras, the rice bra will not go on sale, with the company saying it was another way to generate interest in its brand.





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