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三年级英语Unit 6 At The Zoo 第一课时教学设计

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三年级英语Unit 6 At The Zoo 第一课时教学设计为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为英语教学经验,本站还有更多关于教学经验,英语学习 - 英语教学 - 英语教学经验的文章。 正文:


  【小编寄语】www.pxzj8.com英语网小编给大家整理了三年级英语Unit 6 At The Zoo 第一课时教学设计 ,希望能给大家带来帮助!

  [教学内容]义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》PEP三年级下册Let's learn and le's talk两部分。


  一、Warm - up


  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.

  T: How are you?

  Ss: I am fine, thank you. What about you?

  T: I am very well. Thanks.

  (过渡:Now, let's play a game.)


  Touch your nose. Touch your eye. Touch your ear. Touch your mouth. Touch your tail.




  T: Oh, sorry. We have no tails. But the animals have tails.出示任一有尾巴的玩具动物(tiger),教学新词tail。

  T: Look, I have a tiger. It has a tail. Look, I have a duck. It has a tail, too. 教读并板书tail.

  T: 比较老虎和鸭子的尾巴教学形容词long、short。

  T: Look. Tiger's tail is long. But the duck's tail is short. 教师边说边指,然后从句中抽出新词long和short进行教学,并板书。引导学生说:Tiger has a long tail. Duck has a short tail.

  T: 比较玩具动物鸭妈妈和小鸭教学新词small、big。方法同前。


  T: Let's go to the zoo. Come on children! 1. 2. 3. Let's go. Here is the zoo. Look at the elephant! Big or small?


  S: Tt's big.

  T: Look, what's that?

  S: Tt's tail.

  T: Long or short?

  S: Short. It has a short tail.

  T: what's that?

  S: Tt's nose.

  T: Long or short?

  S: Long. It has a long nose.

  T: What's this?

  S: Tt's an ear. It has big ears.

  T: It has small eyes.

  T: Look here. what's this?



  T: Ok, Now, listen to the text carefully! What animals can you hear in the text?



  (1)让学生拿出事先准备好的玩具。先将学生手中的各个玩具单词说一说,然后教师做示范:请一名学生上讲台前,教师指着学生手中的玩具说:Look at the monkey. It has small ears. It has big eyes and a long tail. (etc.)之后,请几个能力较强的学生说说手中动物玩具的样子。

  (2)让学生以小组为单位,继续练习简单形容自己、他人或小动物的情况。在此处,教师提示学生注意:形容自己时说:I have big eyes and a small mouth. I have ...

  形容他人时说:He / She has long hair.

  形容小动物时说:It has a long nose.


  Look at the monkey.

  It's so funny.

  It has a long tail and a big mouth.

  It has big eyes and a small nose.


  Look at Mary(Mike / Tom).

  She / He has big eyes and a small nose.

  She / He has long / short hair.

  She / He is happy.




  Animals are lovely. we should love animals.

  Animals are our good friends. But sometimes they are dangerous, so we must be careful.



  Unit 6 At the Zoo

  It's so big.

  It has a long nose and a short tail.

  I have big eyes and a small mouth.

  He / She has small eyes and a big mouth.

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