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06-24 http://www.pxzj8.com 优秀作文 人气:132

关于和平的英语:War作文400字为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为优秀作文,本站还有更多关于高中优秀作文,初中优秀作文,高考优秀作文,中考优秀作文,小学生优秀作文,作文辅导培训 - 优秀作文的文章。 正文:

  As the smoke dissipated roar of gunfire stopped, focused people's attention all over the world the Iraq war is finally over.

  Close fight in the joy of victorious people have seen the wound himself, while the failure of the people have never lost their past glory. Peace-loving people, once again saw the cruelty of war!

  War - This is enough to destroy humanity's most terrible of the devil, when will it disappear?

  The rights of those who have kept a huge, frequently resorting to force against other countries, but also to drag their war, few people can really taste the grievances caused by the war, while the common people, the war brought to them is always unfortunate.

  The twentieth century is a century of great changes occurring throughout the world turned upside down, achieved in this century science and technology, literary achievement than any previous era. However, the complexity of this century's political and economic changes that the war has become more frequent, rapid advances in science and technology to make war even more terrible, full of brilliant in this century, the unprecedented brutal war to enable people to enjoy the great spiritual and material life at the same time, experienced a time full of bloodshed and horror!

  The 19th century, with large colonies, rapid economic development of the capitalist powers have the rise of the early 20th century, they increasingly sharp contradictions, and finally led to the outbreak of World War I in human history! Human beings for the first time experienced a world of unprecedented infighting!


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