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12-11 http://www.pxzj8.com 日记 人气:182

国庆节日记两篇作文200字为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为日记,本站还有更多关于小学日记大全,日记400字大全,200字日记大全,中学生日记大全,日记格式,作文辅导培训 - 日记的文章。 正文: 初中英语 国庆节日记两篇第一篇:Monday, September 29th, 2008   Today, the weather was awful. And I don’t like the weather. It could make me feel unhappy. It’s fidgety to do anything. However, this day was the first day in National Day vacation. Everybody will have a good rest. And someone is relaxing at home, someone is traveling, others are going shopping. In short, everyone is going to enjoy themselves. But this day, I spent time in doing homework. Although I didn’t do much homework, I felt tired. I thought I really needed to relax. But at night, I played computer with my brother. We saw an interesting movie. That talked about love and courage. That is a really very nice movie. And I really like that protagonist. She told me about friends and friendship. What a busy day I had! 如果觉得《国庆节日记两篇作文200字》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

Tag:日记,小学日记大全,日记400字大全,200字日记大全,中学生日记大全,日记格式,作文辅导培训 - 日记

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