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简单句:反义疑问句 2- 大学英语语法大全

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简单句:反义疑问句 2- 大学英语语法大全为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为大学英语语法,本站还有更多关于大学英语语法大全,大学英语语法总结,英语学习 - 英语语法 - 大学英语语法的文章。 正文:

反义疑问句(二) 11.陈述部分为Let me……时,问句部分习惯上用shall I? 或will you?形式。如:Let me


11.陈述部分为Let me……时,问句部分习惯上用shall I? 或will you?形式。如:Let me have a try, shall I?(will you?)

12.陈述部分为Let us……时,问句部分习惯上用will you?形式。如:Let us stop to rest, will you?

13.陈述部分为Let’s……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。如:Let’s go home together, shall we?

14.陈述部分用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式表示请求,用won’t you?形式表示委婉请求或邀请(即两种情况都可出现,不必遵循前否后肯或前肯后否的原则)。如:

①Do sit down, won’t you?/ will you? ②You feed the bird today, will you?

③Please open the window, will you?(won’t you?)

15.陈述部分为否定祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式。如:Don’t make any noise, will you?

16.陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用be+there(here)?形式。如:

①There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there?

Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn’t here?

17.陈述部分用had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句部分用hadn’t +主语?形式。

①You’d better tell him about the matter, hadn’t you?②We had better do it by ourselves, hadn’t we?

18.陈述部分用used to +主语时,问句部分用didn’t + 主语?或usedn’t +主语?形式。

①He used to live in the country, didn’t he?/usedn’t he?

②They used to be good friends, didn’t they?/usedn’t they?

19.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式。如:

①He might have forgotten his pen in the classroom yesterday, didn’t he? (不用mightn’t he?/ hasn’t he?)

②You must have got up late this morning, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/haven’t you?)

20.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中没有带明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用现在完成时形式。如:

①Everyone must have known the death of the waitress, haven’t they? (不用mustn’t they?)

②You must have worked there a year ago, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/ haven’t you?)


①What he said is true, isn't it? (不用didn’t he?)

②Where we will build the dam has not been decided yet, has it? (不用won’t we?)


①To do one good deed is easy for a person, isn't it?②Skating is your favorite sport, isn't it?

23.陈述部分的主语是不定代词one,反义疑问句的主语可以用one,也可以用you。如:One should be ready to help others, shuldn’t one?

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