English and American Style Breakfast 3
Head Waiter: Good morning, ma'am.
Customer: Good morning. Just one, please.
H.W: Just one. This way, please.
H.W: Is this table all right?
C: That's fine. Thank you.
H.W: Menu, please.
C: Thank you.
H.W: The waitress will take your order, ma'am.
C: All right.
Waitress: Good morning. May I have your order, ma'am?
C: Yes, thank you. I'd like to have this stewed prunes and omelet, just plain. And also toast with butter. Could I have coffee with fresh milk.
W: Yes, we can serve it. You mean cafe au lait in French?
C: That's right. We say it cafe au lait in French also.
W: Then you take stewed prunes, plain omelet, toast with butter and cafe au lait.
C: That's right, thank you. Can I have cafe au lait first?
W: Yes, ma'am. Just a moment, please.
C: Thank you.
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