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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 商务口语 人气:744

商务场合该做的和不该做的为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为商务口语,本站还有更多关于商务口语,商务英语口语对话,商务口语培训,外语培训 外语学习 - 商务英语 - 商务口语的文章。 正文:


  1. One of the most ill-mannered things to do at a business meal is _______.

  order a lot of food
  smoke while the others are eating
  set up business papers on the table
  use a cell phone




  2. When you have a business meeting in the UK, you should:

  get down to business straight away
  spend an hour introducing yourselves
  avoid talking business immediately
  spend time eating and drinking and getting to know each other

  3. You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a call. You should:

  make sure your cell phone is charged up and turned on
  set your cell phone ring volume to high to ensure you hear any calls
  turn your cell phone off
  tell your client you are expecting a phone call

  4. When you receive someone else's business card you should:

  immediately put it into your back pocket
  immediately pass them your business card
  look at the card but say nothing about it
  look at the card and acknowledge it

  5. What should you do if you see someone at a business event that you have met before, but you cant remember their name?

  ignore the person
  introduce yourself, apologise for not remembering their name but say where you met them before
  walk up to him or her and say, "Hi, mate!"
  try to find out the person's name from others at the event and then introduce yourself.

  6. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should:

  send an e-mail because it is faster and more efficient
  send a handwritten note
  call within 72 hours
  a verbal thank you is enough

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Tag:商务口语,商务口语,商务英语口语对话,商务口语培训,外语培训 外语学习 - 商务英语 - 商务口语

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