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Lovely animals, unclear future

08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 家长导读 人气:382

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  看,这只猩猩正在向来拜访它的游人吐舌头呢!How cute they are! 可是它们的命运却很悲惨!They were brought to Thailand nearly two years ago. 它们是被一些坏人非法走私进入泰国的。These orangutans(猩猩) were forced to perform in boxing(拳击) matches. They were rescued(救) by Thai authorities. (权威人士)。

  A meeting will be held to decide where these orangutans should go on April 21 and 22. 来自泰国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚三个国家的野生动物保护者将参加这次大会,来决定这些猩猩们的命运。

  Best wishes for these cute orangutans!

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