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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 情景英语会话 人气:622

清明你是怎么过的为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为情景英语会话,本站还有更多关于情景英语会话,英语口语情景会话,情景口语100句,外语培训 外语学习 - 基础英语学习 - 情景英语会话的文章。 正文:


  1. So, what did you do to relax during the Qingming Festival holiday?

  Or we can say: How did you relax this holiday?

  2. I went to the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to pay my respect to those revolutionary martyrs.

  清明传统上是祭奠逝去的祖先和亲人的日子,也有很多人自发去纪念那些为了我们国家和人民牺牲的人士。“扫墓”叫做 to sweep the tomb.

  3. I took a walk to the countryside and flied kites.


  4. Unfortunately, I was up to my ears in training courses.

  To be “up to one's ears in something” means “completely busy with something”.
  工作太忙,时代发展太快,就是假期也不能休息,还要抓紧时间充电,真是可怜。But cheer up, your efforts will pay off in the end.

  5. I was so fed up with watching TV those days. 那些天我烦死看电视了。

  Right, while you were immersed in your studies, you wanted nothing more than some time in front of the tube. But, after several days of the stuff, you're fed up, bored to death and can't bear it any more.

  6. I've been racking my brains to think of some way to kill time.

  Also: I've got so much time on my hands I don't know what to do.


Tag:情景英语会话,情景英语会话,英语口语情景会话,情景口语100句,外语培训 外语学习 - 基础英语学习 - 情景英语会话

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