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oasis n (沙漠中的)绿洲
obedience n 服从,顺从(deference,submission)
objective n 目标,adj 客观的(aim,goal)
obligatory adj 义务的,必须的
obliging adj 好施恩的,愿帮忙的(helpful)
oblivion n 忘却,遗忘
obscene adj 猥亵的(indecent,filthy)
onset n 攻击,开始(attack,beginning)
odor n 臭气,名声(smell,scent,fame)
offhand adj 临时的,无准备的(unprepared)
obsolete adj 过时的(disused,outmoded)
obstacle n 障碍(barrier,impediment)
obstruct vt 阻碍,妨碍(hinder,impede)
opulence n 财富,富裕(wealth,affluence)
oration n 演说
orchestra n 管弦乐队
oust n 驱逐
outfit n 服装,装备,用具
outrageous adj 暴乱的(offensive,disgraceful)
outspoken adj 坦率直言的
outwit vt 哄骗
overbearing adj 傲慢的
overflow vt 从——中溢出(surplus,excess)
paralled vt 与——平行
paraphrase vi 意译,改写(rewrite)
parasite n 寄生虫,寄生植物
parasitic adj 寄生的
partisan adj 党派的,派系感强的
panacea n 万灵药
passionate adj 易怒的
patronage n 赞助,资助
particle n 颗粒,微粒
palatable adj 味美的
peck v 啄,啄起(bite,nibble)
penchant n 倾向,爱好(preference,inclination)
pending adj 未决的(suspending)
peninsula n 半岛
pensive adj 忧愁的,哀思的(thoughtful,contemplative)
penury n 贫穷(destitution)
perceptive adj 知觉的(discerning,penetrating)
percussion n 打击乐器,震荡
perennial adj 长久的,永远的(permanent)
peril n 危机,危险的事物
perilous adj 危险的(dangerous,hazardous)
permanent adj 永久的
perspective n 透视,远景,观点(view,outlook)
pertinent adj 适当的,切题的(relevant)
pervade vt 遍布,弥漫(permeate)
pervert v 导入邪途,曲解(deviate,distort)
petition n 请愿 vt 向……请愿
permeate vt 渗透,透过(penetrate,pervade)
perpetuate v 使……永恒,使……延续
perplex vt 迷惑,困惑,难住(puzzle,confuse)
persevere vi 坚持,不屈不挠
persistent adj 坚持不懈的(dogged)
petrify vt 变为化石,使发呆(stupefy,terrify)
phonetics n 语音学
picturesque adj 如画般的,生动的(vivid)
pilferage n 偷窃(stealing)
pious adj 虔诚的(loyal,faithful)
pit n 坑,地坑,煤矿(hole)
pivot n 轴,关键,转折点(axis,axle)
placate vt 安抚,和解(appease,pacify)
placid adj 安静的(tranquil,serene)
plague vt 使苦恼 n 疫病,灾祸(annoy,irritate,disease)
plaintiff n 原告
playwright n 剧作家
plead v 抗辩,恳求
probity n 正直(integrity,honesty)
prod v 刺激(poke,spur)
prodigal adj 浪费的(extravagant,wasteful)
prodigious adj 巨大的(colossal,enormous)
profane v adj 亵渎的(humiliate,disrespectful)
profess v 表示(allege,claim,state)
profuse adj 极其丰富的(abundant,exuberant)
proliferate v 繁衍(multiply,increase)
prolific adj 多产的(productive)
prop n v 支持(support ,mainstay)
propensity n 倾向(inclination)
propriety n 适当(correctness)
prospective adj 预期的(forward-looking,forthcoming)
protract v 延长(lengthen,prolong)
protrude v 突出(project,stick out)
provident adj 有远见的(forward-looking)
provoke v 激怒,煽动(incite,stir up)
proximity n 临近,亲近(nearness)
proscribe v 禁止
prosecute v 起诉,检举(accuse,charge)
pledge n 誓言,vt 使发誓(promise,vow)
plight n (恶劣的)情势,困境(predicament,dilemma)
plumb adj 垂直的(straight,vertical)
ponderous adj 沉重的,笨重的(heavy)
portray vt 绘制(delineate,depict)
posterity n 后代(offspring,descendant)
potent adj 强有力的,有全权的(cogent,powerful)
poultry n 家禽
preach vt 说教,布道,鼓吹
precipitate vt 降水,加速
preclude vt 排除,防止(prevent,prohibit)
precursor n 先兆,先驱(sign,forerunner,pioneer,ancestor)
preeminent adj 卓越的(prominent,outstanding)
preferable adj 更好的,可取的(advisable)
pregnant adj 怀孕的,孕育的
prelude n 序幕(preface)
proxy n 代理人(deputy)
prudent adj 小心谨慎的(cautious)
prune v 剪修(shear,trim)
puddle n 小水洼
punch vt 重击,打孔(blow,hit)
pungent adj 辛辣的(acrid,penetrating )
quaint adj 奇异的,不凡的(queer,odd)


apparel n 服装(attire,garment)
apprehend vt 忧虑,畏惧,捕捉(fear,capture)
apprentice n 学徒(disciple)
arable adj 适于耕种的(farmable,fruitful)
ardent adj 极热心的,热情的(passionate,enthusiastic,fervent,zealous)
ardor n 热心(enthusiasm)
arduous adj 险峻的,困难的(strenuous,laborious,backbreaking)
arid adj 干旱的(barren,infertile,dry) aristocrat n 贵族(blue blood)
arithmetic n 算术
armament n 兵力,军力(arms ,munitions)
armor n 装甲,武器
aroma n 香气,芬芳,芳香(fragrance,scent,perfume)
arrogance n 傲慢ascent n 攀登,登高,追溯(climb)
ascetic adj 苦行的(austere,rigorous,strict)
asperse vt 诽谤(slander)assail vt 猛击,决然面对(attack,assault)
assassinate vt 暗杀,行刺
assiduous adj 勤勉的(diligent,industrious)
assign vt 分配,指派(allot,distribute)
assuage n 缓和(alleviate,mitigate,soothe)
astound vt 使惊异(surprise,astonish)
assumption n 就职,假设(supposition,hypothesis)
astronomy n 天文学
astute adj 机敏的,狡猾的(shrewd,canny)
atheism n 无神论
attainment n 成就(accomplishment,achievement)
attorney n 代理人,辩护律师
attribute n 性质(characteristic,quality,trait)
attrition n 磨损(wear and tear)
audition n 试听,面试
auditor n 审计员,旁听者
auditorium n 大礼堂
aura n 气味,气氛(atmosphere,mood)
auspice n 前兆
auspicious adj 吉兆的,幸运的(promising,favorable)
austerity n 节俭,严峻
authentic adj 可靠,有根据,真实的(genuine,real)
authoritative adj 权威性的,官方的
authorize v 授权(empower,permit)
authority n 权威
autocrat n 独裁者
avalanche n 雪崩
avarice n 贪婪(greed,lust)
aversion n 厌恶(dislike,distaste)
aviator n 飞行家(pilot)
avid adj 热切的,贪婪的(eager,greedy)
avow vt 公开,承认(acknowledge,declare,admit)
abstinence n 禁戒,节制
abstruse n 深奥的(complicated,profound)
abundant adj 充裕的(sufficient)
abate v 减少(lessen,diminish,dwindle,subside)
abdicate vt 放弃权力(abandon)
abduct vi 绑架,诱拐(kidnap)
abhor vt 憎恶(detest,despise,loathe)
abhorrent adj 可恶的,可恨的(detestable)
ablaze adj 闪耀的(gleaming,glowing)
abortive adj 失败的(unsuccessful)
abstain vi 戒绝
acumen n 敏锐(acuteness)
adage n 格言,谚语(proverb)
adept adj 擅长的(adroit,apt)
adherent adj 依附的,n 信奉者(adhesive,sticky,supporter)
adhesive adj 黏着的, n 粘着物(sticky)
adjoin vt 贴近,毗连,靠近(abut)
adjourn vt 延期(defer,delay)
adroit adj 机巧的(skillfull,adept,deft)
admonish vt 警告(warn)
adopt vt 采用,收养(introduce,foster)
affable adj 和蔼可亲的(genial,benevolent)
accentuate vt 重读,强调(emphasize,underline,highlight,underscore)
acclaim v 喝彩,欢呼,称赞(applaud,approve)
accomplished adj 完成的,熟练的(experienced)
accost vt 向人搭话(address,speak to)
accredit vt 归功于(ascribe,attribute)
acquit vt 宣告无罪(exonerate,vindicate)
acrimonious adj 尖酸的(bitter,spiteful)
acrimony n 刻薄
acting adj 代理的(substitutive)
algebra n 代数
alienate vt 使疏远(estrange)
alkali n 碱
allegiance n 忠诚(loyalty,fidelity)
allegory n 讽喻,寓言(fable)
alleviate vt 使减轻(mitigate,pacify,soothe)
allot vt 分配,指派(allocate,distribute,apportion)
allude vi 提及,暗指(refer,imply)
allure vt n 引诱(attract,fascinate,captivate,tempt)
allusion n 引述,暗指(quotation)
altruism n 利他主义
aluminum n 铝
alumnus n 男校友
amalgamate vt 混合,合并(combine,incorporate)
amass vt 收集,积聚(accumulate)
amateur adj 业余的,n业余爱好者(nonprofessional)
amenable adj 有责任的,肯接受的(responsible)
amiable adj 友善的,和蔼的(congenial,affable)
amicable adj 和平的,和睦的(harmonious,peaceable)
amplify v 放大(enlarge)
anecdote n 轶闻
anguish n 极度痛苦,苦闷,vi 使苦恼(agony,distress)
animated adj 有生气的,热烈的(lively,vivacious)
annex vt 附加(add,append)n 附件
annihilate vt 消减(destroy,vanish)
annotate vt 注解(note)
annul v 废除,取消(abolish,repeal)
anomalous adj 反常的(irregular,abnormal)
anomaly n 异例,异常,变态(exception)
anonymous adj 匿名的(unknown,unnamed)
antagonism n 敌对(opposition,hostility,enmity)
antagonist n 敌手(opponent)
antique adj 古代的(archaic,obsolete,outdated)
antiquity n 古代
antiseptic adj 防腐的,杀菌的,n消毒剂
anxious adj 渴望的(keen,eager)
aperture n 孔,开口(opening)
apex n 顶点,最高点(acme,summit,zenith,peak)
affiliate v 加盟,入会(associate,ally)
affinity n 类似处,密切关系(similarity,liking)
affirm vt 断言,批准,证实
afflict vt 使痛苦,折磨(torture)
aggravate vt 恶化(worsen,intensify)
aghast adj 惊骇的,恐怖的(shocked,horrified,astounded)
aggression n 侵犯(attack)
agile adj 敏捷的,活泼轻快的(nimble,alert,brisk)
agitate vt 煽动(incite,provoke,instigate)
agonize vi 使受苦,使苦闷(torture)
agrarian adj 土地的,农业的(agricultural,rural,rustic)


bar n 法院(court)
balk vt 妨碍(block,hinder,stall)
ballot n 选票(vote,poll)
balmy adj 温和的,芳香的(refreshing,mild,temperate,moderate)
bandit n 强盗(robber,pirate)
banish vt 驱逐出境(exile,expel)
barren adj 贫瘠的,不孕的(infertile,arid)
barricade n 障碍物(barrier,impediment)
barter n vt 易货(trade,exchange)
bashful adj 害羞的,胆小的(coy,shy,timid)
bask vt 取暖,曝日,沐浴于(bathe,imerse)
baste vt 殴打,公开责骂(lash,beat)
bear vt 具有,带有,支撑(carry,support,stand)
becoming adj 合适的,相称的(fitting,suitable)
befuddle vt 使昏乱(confuse)
beget vt 引起,产生(arise,bring)
beguile vt 欺骗,消遣(deceive)
behave vi 举止端正,表现,运转
belie vt 掩饰(conceal,cover up)
believer n 信徒(faithful)
belligerent adj 好战的,交战的(hostile,aggressive)
beneficiary n 受益者
benevolent adj 慈善的(charitable,generous)
benign adj 亲切的,良好的(kind,benevolent)
bent n 倾向,爱好(propensity,trend)
bequest n 遗产,遗传(legacy,heritage)
berate vt 痛骂(scold,reproach)
bereave vt 剥夺(deprive,be devoid of)
beset vt 包围(besiege,surround)
bestow vt 赠予,利用(confer,present)
bicker vi 争吵(brawl,quarrel)
bliss n 狂喜(ecstasy)
bigoted adj 固执己见的(narrow-minded,intolerant)
bidding n 邀请,投标,命令,要求
bland adj 无刺激性的(食物等)(mild ,gentle)
blunt adj 迟钝的,v 使……迟钝(obtuse)
bombastic adj 夸大的(boastful)
bonanza n 富矿带,幸运
boon n 恩惠(blessing,benefit)
botany n 植物
brace vt 支持,使固定 n 支撑物(strengthen,support)
brag vt 夸张(boast,talk big)
brawl vi 争吵(bicker,quarrel)
breach n 破裂(opening,break)
breed vt 养育,繁殖,n 品种(raise,species)
brew vt 酿造,图谋(ferment,plot)
brittle adj 易碎的(fragile)
bruise vt 打伤,n 瘀伤
budge vt vi 移动(move)
bulk n 物体,容积,大批(mass,volume)
bulky adj 庞大的,笨重的(cumbersome)
burglar n 夜盗,窃贼
burnish v t 磨光,使光滑(polish)
butt n 末端
byword n 谚语(adage)


crevice n 裂缝,破口(rift,slit)
crooked adj 扭曲的,狡诈的(bent,twisted)
crucial adj 严重的,极重要的(decisive,critical)
crumble v 粉碎,崩溃(collapse,crash)
crude adj 未提炼的,生的(raw,unpolished)
crumple vt 压皱(rumple,wrinkle)
crush vt 榨,挤,压碎(crunch)
crust n 〔地〕地壳,硬外皮(shell)
cryptic adj 神秘的,隐藏的(mysterious)
cuisine n 烹调
culpable adj 该受谴责的
calamity n 不幸之事,灾难(catastrophe)
calculate vt 计算
caliber n 直径,品质(capacity,faculty,talent,ability)
captivity n 囚禁
cult n 崇拜,崇拜者
curb v 抑制(check,control)
curiosity n 好奇心
cursory adj 仓促的(hurried)
curt adj 简短的,草率的
carnage n 大屠杀,残杀(massacre,slaughter)
carnal adj 肉体的(corporeal)
castigate vt 谴责(condemn,denounce)
cataclysm n 洪水,大灾难
catching adj 迷人的,传染的(charming,contagious,infectious)
categorical adj 绝对的,无条件的(definite,positive,absolute,unconditional)
cathedral n 教堂(church,chapel)
catholic adj 普遍的(universal)
caustic adj 刻薄的,腐蚀性的(abrasive,corrosive)
cavern n 大山洞,大洞穴
ceaseless adj 不停的(incessant,endless)
celebrity n 名人(person of note)
celestial adj 天的(astronomical,heavenly)
censor v 检查,n 检查员
censure n vt 责难(disapproval)
ceremonial n adj 仪式,正式的
ceremonious adj 隆重的,正式的,恭敬的(formal,solemn)
chafe vt 擦热,烦扰(rub,scrape,irritate)
chaos n 混乱(disorder)
charisma n 魅力,感召力
chary adj 谨慎的(cautious)
chaste adj 贞洁的,纯正的(pure,virtuous)
chide v 斥责(blame,rebuke)
chirp vt 喳喳(虫和鸟叫声)
choke vt 使窒息(suffocate,block)n窒息
chop vt 砍 n 排骨(cut,hew)
chore n 零工,杂务
chronological adj 按年代顺序的
chuckle n vt 咯咯地笑
cipher n 暗号,密码(code)
circuitous adj 迂回的(indirect,round-about)
circumference n 圆周
circumscribe vt 划清界限,限制(encompass,encircle)
circumspect adj 慎重的,小心的(prudent,cautious)
circumvent vt 欺诈,以计胜过
clandestine adj 秘密的(secret,covert)
cleanse vt 使清洁(clean,purify)
cleft n 裂缝(crevice)
clog vt 阻碍(block,jam)
clot n v 凝块(gelatinize,congeal)
clumsy adj 笨拙的,愚笨的(awkward)
coax vt 哄,耐心调理
coddle vt 娇养,溺爱
cogent adj 有说服力的,强有力的(convincing,compelling)
collateral n 抵押品
coincide vi 相符合,相巧合
colloquial adj 会话的,口语的
colossal adj 巨大的(immense,huge)
comet n 彗星
commentator n 注释者
commodious adj 宽敞的(spacious,capacious,roomy)
comparative adj 比较的
compatible adj 兼容的
complaint n 抱怨,怨言 vt 控告
compliment n 问候,vt 赞美,祝贺(praise,commendation)
composed adj 沉着的(disimpassioned)
composure n 镇静(calmness,self-control)
comprise vt 包括(contain)
compulsive adj 强迫的(irresistible,obsessive obsessed,irrational)
concerted adj 协定的,协调的(unisonous)
concession n 让步,迁就(compromise,bargain)
conciliatory adj 善于调解的(reconciling)
conclusive adj 决定性的,最后的(decisive,definitive,final)
concoct vt 编造,虚构(devise,invent)
concrete adj 具体的,n 水泥
concur vi 同意,同时发生
condiment n 调味品
condone vt 宽恕,赦免(forgive,pardon)
cone n 圆锥
confide vt 倾诉(confess,disclose)
confiscate vt 没收,充公(seize)
confound vt 使糊涂,迷惑(confuse,puzzle)
congenial adj 意气相投的(compatible,agreeable,pleasant,pleasing)
congested adj 拥挤的(overcrowded)
congregate vt 聚集(assemble,gather)
congressman n 国会议员
congruity n 一致,协调
conjure vt 恳求(beseech,pray)
connive vi 纵容,默许
connoisseur n 鉴赏家,行家
conscientious adj 尽职的,正直的(diligent)
consecrate vt 奉为神圣,奉献(dedicate,devote)
conservatory n 温室,音乐学校(greenhouse)
consort vt 结交(associate,connect)
conspicuous adj 引人注目的(noticeable)
conspire vt 阴谋,密谋(intrigue,plot)
constellation n 星座
constrain vt 强迫(compel)
constrict vt vi 收紧,压缩(reduce,compress)
construe vt 解释,翻译(expound,translate,interpret))
contagious adj 传染的(catching,infectious)
contaminate vt 污染(defile,pollute)
contemn vt 蔑视(disdain,scorn)
contemptible adj 可鄙的(mean,despicable)
content adj 满足的(satisfied,complacent)
content n 内容(matter)
contingent adj 可能发生的(accidental,unforeseen)
contour n 轮廓,海岸线(outline,profile)
contract n 契约(agreement)v收缩,感染(shrink,reduce,infect)
contravene vt 反对,违反(contradict,oppose)
contrite adj 悔悟的(repentant,remorseful)
contrive vt 发明,设法(invent,plan)
controversial adj 引起争论的
controvert vt 反驳,辩论(deny,contradict)
convene vt 集合(assemble,gather)
convict vi 判罪,证明(penalize,prove)
convoy vt 护送(accompany,escort)
coordinate adj 并列的,同等的(equal,juxtaposed)
corroborate vt 确证(confirm,substantiate)
corrode vt vi 损害(erode,eat away)
cosmopolitan adj 全世界的(global)
counsel n 商议,忠告,律师v 劝告(advise)
corpulent adj 肥胖的
corps n 军团,兵团
cordial adj 真诚的,诚恳的(friendly,warm friendly,sincerely pleasant)
crafty adj 灵巧的,巧妙的(cunning,sneaky)
crave vt 渴求(desire,yearn)
credential n 凭证(reference,certificate)
credulous adj 轻信的
creed n 信仰,信条(belief,faith)
covetous adj 贪心的(desirous,avaricious)
cram vt 填塞,仓促用功
crash vt 撞碎(crumble,shatter)


declaim v 朗诵,演讲
declivity n 下倾的斜面
decorum n 礼仪(ceremony)
decree n 法令,规定 v 颁布(regulation,order)
decry vt 非难,谴责(condemn,denounce)
defame vt 诽谤,损毁名誉(slander,malign)
defer vt 延期(delay,postpone)
deference n 敬意
defiant adj 大胆反抗的(hostile,rebellious)
deport vt 驱逐出境,放逐,举止
depot n 仓库, vt 容纳(house,contain)
depreciate v 贬值
depress vt 使沮丧(deject,dispirit)
derange vt 扰乱
deride vt 嘲笑,愚弄(ridicule,mock,gibe)
designing adj 狡猾的,蓄意的(cunning)
despatch vt 迅速处理(dispose)
despoil vt 夺取,抢劫(rob)
detach vt 分开,分遣(remove,separate)
deterrent n 制止物,威慑物
detest vt 憎恶(abhor,hate,loathe)
detriment n 损害
devastate vt 使荒废,破坏(destroy,demolish)
defile vt 弄污(contaminate)
deflect vt 使偏离(divert,deviate)
defraud vt 欺诈(deceive,beguile)
deft adj 灵巧的,熟练的(skilful,adroit)
defunct adj 死的(dead,demised)
defy vt 蔑视,反抗
deity n 神(god)
delegate n 代表(deputy,representative)
deleterious adj 有害的(harmful,detrimental)
delineate v 刻画,记述(depict,portray)
deplore vt 悲痛,深悔(grieve,mourn)
delude vt 欺骗,迷惑(beguile,deceive,hoax)
demise n 死亡(death,end)
demolish vt 破坏(destroy,raze)
demur vt 踌躇,抗议(protest,object)
devious adj 曲折的(circuitous)
devoid adj 缺乏的(empty,lacking)
devour vt 吞食,吞没,毁灭(eat up)
dexterous adj 灵巧的(adroit,skillful)
diet n 饮食,食物 v 节食
dignity n 尊严
digress vt 离开本题(deviate,turn away)
dignify vt 使尊荣,使显贵(ennoble,elevate)
dilate vt 使膨胀,使扩大(expand,widen)
dilute vt 稀释,冲淡(thin,weaken)
diminutive adj 小的(small,tiny)
diplomatic adj 外交的,有策略的
disarm vt 缴械,消除(敌意)
disband vt 解散(军队)
disburse vt 支付,支出,分配(distribute)
dispatch vt 分配,排遣(allocate,allot,send)
disposition n 性情(temperament,nature)
disprove vt 反驳,证明……有误
disreputable adj 声名狼藉的(notorious)
disrespectful adj 无礼的,轻视的
dissect vt 解剖,详细研究(analyze)
dissemble vt 隐藏,伪装(disguise,dissimulate)
dissipate v 驱散,消散(disppear)
dodge vt 躲开,逃避责任(avoid,evade)
dogma n 教义、教条(belief,view)
distillation n 蒸馏
disunite vt 使分离
diverge vt 分歧,差异(differ,deviate)
diversify vt 使多样化(vary)
divulge vt 宣布,泄露(disclose,reveal)
doleful adj 悲哀的(mournful,sorrowful)
dolphin n 海豚
dominant adj 占优势的,主导的(predominant,prevalent)
donor n 捐助者(contributor)
dormant adj 休眠的(inactive)
downcast adj 沮丧的(depressed,dejected)
drowsy adj 昏昏欲睡的(sleepy)
dual adj 二重的,两层的(double,twofold)
ductile adj 柔软的,驯良的(plastic,malleable)
dungeon n 地牢
dusky adj 微暗的,肤色黑的(dim,dark)
dwindle vt 减少(diminish,decrease)


ebb vi 退潮,衰退(decay)
economize vi 节俭(save ,cut costs)
ecstasy n 恍惚,狂喜
edify vt 陶冶,教化(enlighten,teach)
efface vt 涂抹,消除
effectuate vt 使实现
efficient adj 有效率的(effective,competent)
elaborate vt 精心制作,详细阐述,adj 精心构思的(explain,embellish,careful)
egoist n 自我主义者
effuse vt 流出,散布
elastivity n 弹性
elation n 得意洋洋
elucidate vi 阐明,说明(clarify,explain)
elude vt 躲避,困惑(escape,evade)
elusive adj 难懂的,躲避的(elusory,intangible)
emaciate vt 使瘦弱
embalm vt 铭记,使不朽
embellish vt 装饰,修饰(decorate,adorn)
embezzle vt 盗用(公款,公物)(misappropriate)
embroider vt 绣花,装饰
emend vt 修订(amend,improve)
emigrate vt 移民
eminent adj 杰出的(outstanding,distinguished)
emphasize vt 强调,着重(underscore,underline,highlight,accentuate)
emulate vt 与——竞争,仿效(imitate,copy)
enact vt 制定法律,扮演(legislate,impersonate)
enchant vt 施魔法于(enthrall,fascinate)
encompass vt 包围,环绕(encircle,cover)
encroach vt 蚕食,侵占(intrude,trespass)
encumber vt 阻碍,妨碍(burden,hamper)
endorse vt 确认,赞同,支持(support,ratify)
energize vt 供给能量,使活跃
enervate vt 使衰弱(enfeeble,weeken)
engross vt 全身贯注于(absorb,preoccupy)
engulf vt 吞没,吞食(devour,swallow)
enigma n 谜(mystery)
enigmatic adj 像谜一般的,难解的(mysterious,secretive)
enslave vt 奴役
enterprise n 事业,企业
entrepreneur n 企业家,主办人
enumerate vt 枚举,计数(count,numerate)
enthrall vt 迷惑,使服从(captivate)
entice vt 诱惑
envelop vt 包围
enunciate v 阐明,清晰发音(articulate)
envoy n 使者,公使
episode n 插曲(interlude)
epoch n 纪元,时代(age,era)
equilibrium n 平衡状态(balance)
equipment n 设备(facility,fixture)
equivocate vi 说模棱两可的话,支吾
err n 错误 vt 犯错(mistake)
erratic adj 古怪的,不稳定的(odd,eccentric,unpredicatable)
erroneous adj 错误的(incorrect,mistaken)
euphonious adj 悦耳的(sweet)
evasion n 逃避
exalt vt 称赞,提升(extol,laud,promote)
exalted adj 尊贵的,兴奋的(noble,exited)
excavate vt 挖掘(dig,delve)
excerpt vt n 摘录
exempt v 免除,adj 被免除的
exhaustive adj 无遗漏的,彻底的,广泛的
exhume vt 掘出(excavate,dig)
exodus n 大批离去
exorbitant adj 过分的,过度的(excessive,unreasonable)
expedient adj 权宜的,方便的(suitable,convenient)
expedite vt 加速,派出,畅通(speed up,hasten)
expound v 解释(explain,interpret)
exquisite adj 精美的,灵敏的(delicate,fine,elaborate)
exponent n 解释者,指数(interpreter,expositor,index,indicator)
extant adj 现存的(exsiting)
extemporaneous adj 即席的
extenuate vt 使(罪过)显得轻微
exterminate vt 消灭(eradicate,eliminate)
extol vt 颂扬(exalt)
extort vt 勒索,强索(extract,squeeze)
extraneous adj 外来的,无关的(irrelevant)
extricate vt 救出,使解脱(release,liberate)
exude vt 渗出,流出(discharge)
exultant adj 欢腾的,狂欢的(happy,jubilant)
efficacy n. 功效, 效验


facetious adj 幽默的,滑稽的(amusing,effortless)
fallible adj 易错的
famish vt 使挨饿
ferocious adj 凶猛的(savage,bestial)
ferret vt 搜索(search)
fervent adj 白热的,强烈的(ardent)
fester vt 化脓(decay)
fetter vt 束缚(restrict,inhibit)
feud n 世仇,vt 不合
fickle adj 多变的(changeable,capricious)
fidelity n 忠诚(loyalty,faithfulness)
finch n 鸣禽
fitful adj 一阵阵的,断续的
fitting adj 适当的,n 配合(proper,appropriate)
flay vt 剥……的皮
flicker vt 闪烁(flutter,waver)
flighty adj 轻浮的(fickle,capricious)
flimsy adj 脆弱的,薄弱的(thin)
flora n 植物界
flounder vt 挣扎,踌躇
fluffy adj 绒毛的
fluster vt 使慌乱(confuse,disconcert)
foe n 敌人(enemy,adversary)
foil vt 阻止
forlorn adj 绝望的,被遗弃的(wretched,lonely)
forsake vt 遗弃,抛弃,摒绝(abandon,desert)
forte n 长处(strong point,specialty)
fortify vt 加强(strengthen,reinforce)
fortitude n 坚忍,刚毅(endurance,courage)
fortress n 堡垒,要塞
fortuitous adj 偶然的,意外的(accidental,coincidental)
foul adj 违规的,邪恶的(filthy,rotten)
fraction n 片断,分数(part,bit)
fragile adj 脆的,体质弱的
fragment n 碎片,破片(piece,scrap)
fraternal adj 兄弟般的,友爱的(brotherly,cordial)
fraudulent adj 欺诈的,不诚实的(deceitful,dishonest)
fraught adj 充满的(full of)
friction n 摩擦(wear and tear)
frigid adj 严寒的,冷淡的(icy,freezing)
frugal adj 节约的(thrifty,economical)
fulminate vt 猛烈爆发(explode)
further v 促进,增进,adj 更多的(advance,promote,additional)
fuzzy adj 有绒毛的,绒毛状的(frizzy,downy)


gabble v 急促而不清楚地说出
gainsay vt 否认,反驳(deny,oppose)
gale n 大风(storm,tempest)
gallant adj 英勇的(courageous,heroic)
gallery n 画廊
gangster n 暴徒,歹徒(mobster,hoodlum)
genial adj 和蔼的(kindly,good-natured)
genre n 体裁,风格(style,manner)
gentry n 贵族
genuine adj 真实的(authentic,real)
geometry n 几何学
germinate vt 发芽(sprout)
gibe vt 讥笑(deride,ridicule,mock,make fun of)
girdle n 带,腰带,带状物(waistband)
gild vi 镀金,虚饰(embellish)
glacier n 冰河,冰川
gleam vt 闪光,闪烁(glimmer,gather)
glean vt 收集(collect,gather)
glossary n 词汇表
glossy adj 有光泽的(smooth,lustrous)gorgeous adj 绚丽的,极好的(geautifl,admirable)
gregarious adj 群居的,合群的(social)
grievance n 不满(dissatisfaction)
grip n 紧握(grasp,clasp)
grouchy adj 不悦的,愠怒的(bad-tempered)
grudge vt 恶意(stint,begrudge)
guileless adj 不狡猾的,诚实的(frank,honest)
guise n 外观,装束(appearance)
gush vt 涌出(effuse)
instantaneous adj 瞬间的,即刻的(ephemeral)
instigate vt 鼓动(prompt)
instill vt 灌输(infuse,impart)
instinctive adj 天生的,本能的(impulsive,spontaneous)
instruct vt 教,命令(direct,inculcate)
instrumental adj 有帮助的,仪器的,
insufferable adj 难以忍受的(unbearable)
insular adj 海岛的,狭隘的(isolated,narrowminded)
integral adj 组成的,整的(complete,full)
intense adj 非常的,紧张的(acute,severe)
intensify vi 加强(enhance,strengthen)
intercede vi 调停,求情(intervene,mediate)
intercept vt 中途拦截,阻止(hold back,stop)
interject vt 突然插入
interlude n 间隔,插曲(interval,episode)
intermediary n 媒介物,居间者(mediator)
interrogate vt 审问,询问
intersect vi 相交(cross,meet)
intimacy n 熟悉,亲近(proximity)
intimate adj 亲密的,v 暗示
intimidate vt 恐吓(frighten,threaten)
intoxicate vt 使陶醉,使中毒
intrepid adj 勇敢的(fearless,dauntless)
intricate adj 错综复杂的,难懂的(complicated,entangled)
intrinsic adj 本质的,本身的(substantive)
intrude vt 侵扰(encroach,infringe)
inure vt 使习惯(accustom)
invalidate vt 使作废(nullify)
inviting adj 诱人的,引人注目的(attractive)
invoke vt 恳求,祈求(beg,pray)
irreconcilable adj 不能妥协的(unconformable,incompatible)
irrepressible adj 不可压制的,难以征服的(insuppressible,uncontrolled)
itinerant adj 巡回的,流动的(travelling)
jar vt 震动
irrevocable adj 不能取消的(irreversible,unalterable)
jumble vt 混杂(muddle,mix)
jurisdiction n 司法权
jeer vt 揶揄,嘲笑(deride,gibe)
jeopardy n 危险(danger,risk)
jerk n vt 急拉,抽搐
jolt vt 摇动
laud vi 赞美
laurel n 月桂树
ken n 视野,知识(knowledge,intelligence)
kindle vt 燃起,激起(ignite,inflame)
labyrinth n 迷宫,错综复杂的事件
lament n 悲伤,vt 痛惜
languid adj 精神不振的
leash n 牵狗的皮带 v 束缚
ledge n 壁架,突出物
legacy n 遗产,遗物(bequest,heritage)
legalize vt 合法化,法律认可(authorize,legitimate)
legendary adj 传奇的(renowned,famed)
lethal adj 致命的(fatal,deadly)
levy n 课税;v 征收(collect,charge)
liaison n 联络(contact,connection)
liberal adj 心胸宽大的,慷慨的(lenient,broad-minded)
licensed adj 被许可的(permissive)
limp vi 蹒跚,瘸着走(flaccid,drooping)
limestone n 石灰石
limpid adj 清澈的
liguistics n 语言学
listless adj 冷漠的,不留心的(sluggish,lifeless)
literate adj 有文化的,能读写的
lithe adj 柔软的,易弯的(flexible,supple)
loan vt 借,n 贷款
loath adj 不喜欢的(reluctant,unwilling)
loathe vt 厌恶(hate,dislike)
lofty adj 高耸的,高尚的(high,towering)
log n 圆木,日志(wood,timber,journal)
longitude n 经度
loop n 圈,环,环孔(circle,ring)
loot vt 掠夺(plunder,seize)
lull n 歇息,v 使平静(calm down,soothe)
luminous adj 发光的,光亮的(glowing)
lurk vt 隐藏(prowl,slink)
lusty adj 强壮的,有精神的(vigorous,energetic)
luxuriant adj 繁茂的,多产的(lush,abundant)
luxurious adj 奢侈的(expensive,costly)
lyric n 抒情诗,歌词


mammals n 哺乳动物(mamma,乳)
mandate n 命令,要求(command)
mandatory adj 命令的,强制的(obligatory,compulsory)
maneuver vt 调遣,n 策略(move,step,tactic)
mangle vt 撕裂,毁坏(mutilate)
mania n 癫狂,狂热
manifold adj 多样的,多方面的(various,many)
manure vt 施肥(fertilizer,dung)
marital adj 婚姻的(wedded,conjugal)
matchless adj 无与伦比的(unbeatable,incomparable)
mathematics n 数学
maxim n 格言,箴言(proverb,motto)
maze n 迷惑,迷宫(complexity,labyrinth)
mean v 意欲,adj 卑鄙的(intend,inferior)
meander vt 蜿蜒而流(wind,zigzag)
meddle vi 干预(interfere,intervene)
mediocre adj 平常的,普通的(ordinary,average)
meditative adj 深思的(thoughtful)
meek adj 温顺的,柔和的(docile,submissive)
menace vt 威吓,胁迫(threaten,intimidate)
menial adj 奴仆的,卑贱的(humble,mean)
merchandise n 商品(commodities,goods)
methodical adj 有条理的(systematic)
meticulously adv 很仔细地(carefully,scrupulously)
messy adj 肮脏的,凌乱的(untidy,dirty)
metabolism n 新陈代谢
mighty adj 巨大的
mimicry n 模仿〔生〕拟态(camouflage)
minority n 少数,少数民族
methodical adj 有条理的
miser n 守财奴,吝啬鬼
mingle 混合miserable adj 痛苦的,可怜的
miserly adj 吝啬的(stingy)
misgiving n 疑惧,疑虑
mishap n 灾祸,不幸(mischance,accident)
mitigate vt 缓和,减轻(alleviate,relieve)
misery n 痛苦,苦恼
modulate vt 调整(change,modify)
moisten vt 湿润
mold v 塑造(shape)
molecule n 分子
mollify vt 缓和(appease,assuage)
momentous adj 极重要的(important,critical)
monarch n 君主,最高统治者
monotonous adj 单调的(boring,dull)
morale n 民心,士气
morbid adj 病态的,不健康的(sick,diseased)
moron n 低能儿,白痴(idiot)
mortal n 凡人,adj 终有一死的 (mort 死)
motif n 主题,主旨(theme,subject)
motivation n 动机(motive,incentive)
muddle vt 使混乱
multitude n 众多(host,mass)
munificent adj 慷慨的(generous,liberal)
mutation n 变化(transformation)
mysterious adj 神秘的,难以理解的(cryptic,undecipherable)
magnificent n 壮丽的,华丽的(gallant,splendid)
malady n 疾病
malcontent n 不平者,不满者
malevolent adj 恶意的(malicious,spiteful)
malice n 恶意(ill will,spite)
malicious adj 心毒的,怀恶意的(vicious,spiteful)
malign vt 诋毁,诽谤(defame,slander)
malleable adj 有延展性的
magnificent n 壮丽的,华丽的(gallant,splendid)
malady n 疾病
malcontent n 不平者,不满者
malevolent adj 恶意的(malicious,spiteful)
malice n 恶意(ill will,spite)
malicious adj 心毒的,怀恶意的(vicious,spiteful)
malign vt 诋毁,诽谤(defame,slander)
malleable adj 有延展性的
nostalgia n 思乡,怀旧
novice n 新信徒,生手(newness,unususlness)
noxious adj 有害的,有毒的(poisonous,toxic)
numb adj 麻木的(senseless,dead)
nutriment n 营养品
needy adj 贫穷的(poor)
negotiate v 谈判,交涉,议定(discuss)
neutral adj 中性的,中立的(nonaligned)
nibble vt 细咬,细食(bite,eat)
nimble adj 轻快的,灵敏的(agile,brisk)
nocturnal adj 夜间的(nighttime,nightly)
nominate vt 任命(appoint,name)
nonsense n 胡说,废话


radius n 半径
radiant adj 绚丽的,容光焕发的
rashly adj 鲁莽的
rapture n 狂喜
ransom n 赎金,赔偿金(payment,redemption)
rally n、v 召集,恢复(gathering,assemblage)
ratify vt 批准(approve,endorse)
ravage v 掠夺,破坏
ravenous adj 极饿的,贪婪的(famished,starving)
raze vt 摧毁(damage,bulldoze)
rebate n 返回款,折扣(refund,repayment)
rebuke vt n 斥责 (censure,reprove)
reception n 接待,招待会,接受(acceptance,admission)
reciprocal adj 相互的,交往的(mutual,exchanged)
ray n 光线
renowned adj 知名的(distinguished,famous)
replenish vt 排斥(resist,reject)
repudiate v 批判(reject,renounce)
repulse v 排斥,击退(repel)
rescue v 拯救(save)
resemble v 象,类似
resent v 憎恨
resonance n 回声,反响
respiration n 呼吸
residue n. 残余
resolve vt 决定(determine)
restore v 恢复
restrain v 限制(restrict,limit)
retard vt 延迟(detain)
retract v 收回,撤回(take back,withdraw)
retrieve v 重新找回(recover,save)
reveal v 展现,揭露(disclosure)
revere v 尊敬(respect,worship)
reverence n 尊敬(respect,veneration)
revise vt 修订(amend,emend,edit)
revoke vt 取消,撤回(cancel,repeal)
riddle n 谜(puzzle,mystery)
rigor n 严格,严厉(rigidity,hardship)
rim n 边缘(edge,border)
rudimentary adj 根本的,低级的(undeveloped,elementary,primitive)
rugged adj 粗糙的,不平的(coarse,rough)
rumble v 隆隆行驶,低沉地说(grumble)
ruminate v 沉思(meditate)
rupture n/vt 破裂,决裂(burst,breach)
rust vt 生锈,氧化(oxidize)
rustic adj 乡村的,粗俗的(rural,unsophisticated)
ruthless adj 无情的,冷酷的(merciless,pitiless)
recluse n 隐士
recoil vi 后退,退缩
recollection n 记起,回想
rectangle n 长方形
redeem vt 取回,赎回(rescue,save)
redress n 救济,补偿(rectify,remedy)
refund vt 退还,偿还(repay,pay back)
regimen n 政权,养生法
rehabilitate vt 恢复(restore)
rehearse vt 预演,排练(prepare,try out )
reign vt 统治(govern ,rule)
reimburse vt 偿还(pay back,refund)
reiterate vt 重述(restate)
relapse vt 复发,回复(recur)
relentless adj 无情的(merciless,ruthless)
relinquish vt 放弃(give up,quit)
remit vt 汇寄,赦免
remnant n 残余,遗迹(remains,leftover,vestige)
renaissance n 文艺复兴
rend vt 分离,撕破(apart,seperate,tear)
renounce vt 放弃,否认(abandon,reject)
renovate vt 革新(renew,restore)
solicitous adj 渴望的,焦虑的(concerning,avid)
soothe vt 安慰,缓和(appease,relieve)
souvenir n 纪念品(reminder)
sovereignty n 主权
sporadic adj 零星的(irregular,interminttent)
spouse n 配偶(partner,mate)
sprawl n 扩展,vt 蔓延,伸开手脚(spread,stretch)
splendor n 光彩,壮丽(grandeur,magnificence)
spleen n 脾脏
spew vt 呕吐
spawn n vt 产卵(generate,produce)
stamina n 体力,精力(endurance)
spray n v 喷雾(sprinkle,shower)
sprout vt 萌芽,长出(bud,burgeon,germinate)
spurt v 喷出,涌出(burst,explosion)
squad n 小队,班
squander vt 浪费(dissipate,waste)
squash vt 压碎
n 南瓜(flatten ,squeese)
steadfast adj 坚决,坚定,不变的
stalk vt 跟踪(猎物),阔步,n 茎(trace,stem)
stall n 厩,摊位(stable,barn)
stationary n 文具
sever vt 分开,断绝(separate)
shackle vt 加桎梏,束缚(chain,fetter)
shaft n 轴,柄(handle,pole)
shatter n 碎片,vt 使粉碎,破碎(fragment,break)
shear vt 修剪(cut,prune)
sheathe vt (将刀剑)入鞘(cover,encase)
sheer adj 纯粹的,全然的(pure,total)
shove vt 推挤(push,jostle)
shuffle v 搅乱,混和(mix,blend)
shun vt 避开(avoid,eschew)
snag n 障碍(disadvantage,obstacle)
snap v 猛然断裂(break)
sojourn vt 逗留,寄居(stay)
singe vt 微烧,烫焦(burn,scorch)
skeptic n 怀疑者
skimpy adj 吝啬的,太少的(scant,inadequate)
slag n 渣滓(refuse,waste)
slander vt 造谣,诽谤(defame,malign)
slant n 斜面,vt 倾斜(tilt,slope)
sloppy adj 稀薄的,泥泞的(muddled,semiliquid)
slug n 慢吞吞的人(或物)
slump vt 猛然落下(drop,lapse)
smear vt 涂,弄脏(smudge,stain)
smother v 使窒息,闷死(stifle,suffocate)
sacred adj 上帝的,神圣的(holy,heavenly)
salvage vt (海上)救护,抢救(recover,rescue)
sarcasm n 讽刺,挖苦(irony,scorn)
scoop vt 汲取,挖掘 n 勺子(dig,pick)
scorch v 烤焦,使褪色(burn,discolor)
seclusion n 归隐
sedate adj 安静的
sediment n 沉积物
sensuous adj 感觉的
serene adj 晴朗的,平静的
susceptible adj 易受感染的
suspense n 焦虑(anticipation,uncertainty)
symmetry n 对称(性)、匀称
synopsis n 大纲、梗概
synchronize vt 同时发生(concer)
synthetic adj 综合的,合成的
sterile adj. 贫瘠的
stingy adj 缺乏的,吝啬的(miserly,ungenerous)
stipulate vt 约定,规定(set,specify)
stocky adj 结实的,粗短的(sturdy)
stodgy adj 难消化的,躯体笨重的(dull,boring)
stout adj 矮胖的,坚固的(strong,sturdy)
stray adj 漂泊的,走失的(wandering(
strenuous adj 辛苦的(energetic,laborious)
stride vt 跨越(step,pace)
stringent adj 严格的,迫切的(strict,rigid)
stuffy adj 闷热的,不通风的(airless,stale)
stunt v 阻碍(hinder,impede)
subjection n 征服,服从(subjugation,subduing)
submerge vt 浸没,淹没
submission n 屈服,服从
subordinate adj 次要的,附属的
substantive adj 实质性的(actual)
subtract vt 减去(deduct)
succinct adj 简明的,简洁的(terse,concise)
subsist v 生存(live,survive)
surmise vt 臆测(guess,speculate)
surmount vt 克服,登上,越过(conquer,overcome,exceed,surpass)
supple adj 易曲的,柔顺的(flexible,lithe)
supplant vt 排挤,取代(replace)
superstition n 迷信
superintendent n 主管,负责人,指挥者
supersede vt 替代(replace,substitute)
sullen adj 阴沉的(moody)
suffuse v 充满
succumb vt 屈服(submit,yield)
sympathetic adj 同情的,和谐的


temperament n 气质,性情(disposition,nature)
temporal adj 一时的,暂时的(transient,momentary)
tact n 老练,机智
taboo n vt 禁忌
thermometer n. 温度计
thesis n. 学位论文
threaten vt. 威胁(menace,terrify)
throng n. 群众(crowd,swarm)
tilted adj. 倾斜的(slanted)
timber n. 木材、木料(lumber)
tingle vi. 刺痛,(因兴奋)而激动
tint vi. 色,染色(tinge,hue)
tinge n. 淡色, 色调, 些微气味, 气息, 风味
vt. 微染, 使带气息
hue n. 色调, 样子, 颜色, 色彩, 叫声, 大声叫喊, 大声反对
toll n. 费,
v. 鸣 (钟)
torment n. 痛苦
vt. 折磨(anguish,agony)
torpid adj. 迟钝的,不活泼的(lethargic,sluggish)
touchy adj. 易怒的,棘手的(annoyed,offended)
tractable adj. 易驾驭的,温顺的(obedient)
tragedy n. 悲剧
transcript n. 成绩单
transition n. 转变,变迁,过渡
transient adj. 短暂的,过路的(temporary,short-term)
transitory adj. 短暂的(temporary,momentary)
transparent adj. 透明(clear,limpid)
traverse vi. 走过,反对(span,stretch across)
tremendous adj. 巨大的,惊人的
tranquil adj. 安静的(serene,quiet)
trudge vt. 跋涉,吃力地走(plod,trek)
turbulent adj. 骚动的,骚乱的(violent)
turmoil n. 骚动,骚乱(disorder,chaos)
twig n. 小树枝(small branch)
trepidation n. 惊恐,战栗(apprehension,alarm)
tremor n. 颤抖,战栗(tremble,shake)
triangle n. 三角形
trial n. 审判;
adj. 实验性的(hearing,inquisition)
trickle vi. 滴,淌;n. 滴,细流(dribble,drip)
trifling adj. 微小的(insignificant,trivial)
trot vi. n. (马)小跑,慢跑
turmoil n. 骚动,混乱(disorder,chaos)
tally vt 符合
tamper vt 干预
tangible adj 可见的,确实的(substantial)
tangle vt 使缠结,使纠缠(knot,snarl)
tantalize vt 逗惹,使——着急(provoke,tease)
tardy adj 延迟的
tarnish vt 使晦暗,败坏(名誉)
tedious adj 冗长的,沉闷的(tiresome,boring)
teem vi 充满
unanimity n. 全体一致
unanimous adj. 意见一致的(uniform)
unconventional adj. 破例的,自由的
unbecoming adj. 不配的,不是党的
uncanny adj. 不可思议的,离奇的,(odd,strange)
undaunted adj. 无畏的,勇敢的
unruly adj. 难控制的,不守法的
unearth vt. 发现,发掘
unseemly adj. 不适宜的(unsuited,incongruous)
vacuum n. 真空
valor n. 勇气(bravery,courage) val(强大)
vanquish vt. 征服,克服
varnish n. 油漆(gloss,polish)
valiant adj. 英勇的(courageous,dauntless,intrepid)
vex vt. 使烦恼(annoy,irritate)
verify vt. 验证(confirm,substantiate)
vertical adj. 垂直的
versatile adj. 多才多艺的
venerate vt. 敬拜、崇拜(respect,revere)
vault n. 拱形园屋顶,地窖
vehemence n. 热切,激烈(passion,ferocity)
vestige n. 痕迹,遗迹(remnant,trace)
vibration n. 震动
vigilant adj. 警惕着的,清醒的(watchful ,alert)
vindicate vt. 辨明,主张(justify,support)
virtuous adj. 贞洁的(moral, righteous)
waddle vt. 蹒跚而行(stagger)
wade vi. 涉水(paddle,ford)
wag vt. 摇摆(waggle,wiggle)
weird adj. 奇异的(bizarre,erratic,eccentric)
wheedle vt. 劝诱,哄骗(cheat,hoodwink)
whim n. 奇想(fancy)
whit n. 一点(bit)
wield vt. 支配,控制(exert,exercise)
yen n. 日元,
v. 热望、渴望(yearn)
wry adj. 讽刺的,歪斜的(cynical,ironic)
wring vt. 拧,扭,榨
wistful adj. 渴望的(desirous,yearning) 联想:wishful 渴望的
wrath n. 暴怒,狂怒,愤慨(anger,indignation)


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