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08-08 http://www.pxzj8.com 学位英语 人气:856

学位英语作文范文之从APEC到WTO为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为学位英语,本站还有更多关于学位英语考试网:学位英语成绩查询与学位英语报名时间,学位英语真题及复习资料,外语培训 外语学习 - 学位英语的文章。 正文:


  Nowadays, there is a saying going round that China's membership of WTO and successful hosting for Olympic as well as APEC in China this year are China's three active steps in the involvement of the world economical system.【外语@教www.pxzj8.com

  Before China became a member of WTO, APEC has been China's only participation in the international economic organization, and it has always been the important tribune to pass on China's reform and opening information and to promote regional economic co-operations.

  In the mean time, China also regards APEC as an important channel and system to connect its economics to the regional and world market, and most of China's policies on reducing tariff were declared in APEC, so in fact China has taken APEC as a preparing school for WTO.

  In a word, on behalf of a para- member of WTO, China is there to give an active push to the new negotiation of WTO in Shanghai, and this will surely make an encouraging influence on Dawhah  conference in November.



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Tag:学位英语,学位英语考试网:学位英语成绩查询与学位英语报名时间,学位英语真题及复习资料,外语培训 外语学习 - 学位英语

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