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商务英语精读试卷试题.doc 简介:
商务英语精读试卷试题.doc为http://www.pxzj8.com整理发布,类型为文化教育专业试卷试题,本站还有更多关于中职教学资源网,中职教育,中职教育论文,中职教育免费,中职教育 免费试卷 - 文化教育专业试卷试题的资料。 正文:


 试题库 第2册 第3册 第4册        

PART ONE (Questions 1-7)
? Read these sentences and the job advertisements.
? Which advertisement does each sentence (1-7) describe?
? For each sentence mark one letter (A, B, C or D).
Self-motivated and outgoing person is suitable for this job in sale.
Answer D
1. The salary is attractive, but you have to be skillful at computerized systems in the office.
2. You must have a creative mind and know how to put your new ideas into practice. :
3. Relevant experience is required and you also need to have some new- ideas of your own for this business.
4. You have to replace some work which has usually been done by women.
5. Relevant experience is very important and particularly you have to be familiar with scientific arrangement in transportation.
6. To accept this job, you must possess a wide range of knowledge on computer, and some secretarial work.
7. This company is quite proud of their good service work and prepared to expand their business.
A                      Traffic Co-ordinates
Required by a well-established and successful road transport company based in Plymouth.
Previous experience is essential with particular emphasis on vehicle routing, scheduling, customer liaison, and shared-user services. Applicants should also be capable of working with computerized operational systems.
Each successful candidate will enjoy a very competitive salary and excellent working conditions in a modern office environment.
B                    Outgoing Secretary
We are looking for an experienced outgoing secretary to join our Agency Team to cover her Maternity leave. The successful candidate should possess a wide knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel and also be fully conversant with audio typing. Duties will include typing for the Director of the Agency Department and also the rest of the Team diary management and general secretarial duties. 如果觉得《商务英语精读试卷试题.doc》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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