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unit 1
unit 2
unit 3
unit 4
unit 5
unit 6
unit 7
unit 8
unit 9
unit 10

unit 1
unit 2
unit 3
unit 4
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unit 9
unit 10

Unit 4 book 3
 Five Famous Symbols of American Culture
Stage 1: Warming-up Activities (1 hour)
Aim: arouse students’ interest in the topic to be discussed and prepare students for further understanding of the text
Group work: Let the students think about the pre-reading questions before listening and anticipate what we are going to read.
Questions for thought and discussion: Listen to a short passage carefully and then answer the following questions (see the textbook on p.92).
To get some ideas about the background information of the text by answering the following questions. You may discuss them in groups or refer to the dictionary to answer them:
1. the Statue of Liberty
    The idea of creating the Statue of Liberty began in France at a dinner party hosted by Edouard Rene Lefebvre Laboulaye, a scholar. Laboulaye and Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, a sculptor, began to discuss the idea of presenting the United States with a monument to memorialize independence and human liberty.
    Bartholdi sailed from France to New York on June 8, 1871, to propose the building of the statue to honor the friendship between France and the United States. As the ship pulled into New York Harbor, Bartholdi spotted the perfect location, Liberty Island.
    During his trip to the United States, he met with US President Ulysses S. Grant; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an American poet; Horace Greeley, a New York editor 如果觉得《英语精读02教案.doc》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。

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